Thursday, March 13, 2008

The COUNTDOWN continues!

Only 14! FOURTEEN! days until the

2008 Spring WoManiFestival!


  • Giggle Pads
  • Chocolate
  • ... do we really need ANYTHING else???


A Day For Some Silliness

There are some pictures that are surely worth a thousand words....

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Today's Miracle

Monday, March 10, 2008

I visited Salt Lake Airport today to pick up my father in law. Normally we use the Park & Wait and revel in the convenience of cell phones.

Today, however, I got stuck in the timing "dead zone", not enough time to go home and do anything productive after work, but a bit of a long time to wait at the airport. So instead of the Park & Wait I decided to short term park and wait in the terminal and people watch.

First, a lull in foot traffic, only a handful of folks waiting for arriving passengers. Shortly after, people start to gather, peering down the walkway looking for their tribe members.

An older gentleman sitting next to me bounces up with a smile on his face. He walks to the magic boundary of homeland security (DO NOT ENTER - EXIT ONLY). I watch the oncoming faces, waiting for that look of recognition. Will it be a man? A brother? A woman? A wife? Sister? Yes, a woman, his grown daughter I assume. With smiles big and beaming, they hug, and above the drone of echoing conversations, I hear the sound he makes when he hugs her. For a moment time slows.

It is the sound of one soul out to another. It says I cherish you. I love you. I missed you. The humble sound of a hug penetrating through to the inner spaces of our being is the miracle of today.

I breathe deep, and I am aware of my inner spaces, that vibration of goodness, the high frequency of love and awareness. I pause, enjoy this wave in the universe and reciprocate with an exhale of gratitude.

What was your miracle today?

Daylight Savings Time

I don’t know about you, but Daylight Savings Time throws me off for a few days at least. Bleary-eyed and foggy-minded I got through the day yesterday. This morning I stepped outside to grab something out of my truck and was drawn to a surreal glow past the garage door. Stepping out into the morning light, I saw a sunrise that made the discomfort of adjusting to Daylight Savings Time well worth it.

Observing the dawn this morning, an hour earlier than I’ve been accustom, and with a soft cloud cover absorbing and reflecting the colors of the rising sun took my breath away. Blending and glowing pinks, reds and oranges, I experienced a gift to be truly revered. Behind me to the west, the Ochre Mountains basked proudly in the bright sunlight from the east, their snowy faces bright and sharp. The miracles of this world are abundant, and honestly, looking at something as majestic as a mountain is kind of a slam dunk. If you can’t appreciate the beauty and magnificence of a mountain, well, I can only conclude you’re not looking very hard.

Later, on my drive into work, the sun had risen and dissipated the ethereal spectrum of color. The Wasatch Mountains stood proudly, cloaked in snow. I know that it is only a few weeks before we watch that white blanket inch its way to the mountains’ peaks, replaced by grasses and vegetation reborn. The Summer Mountains greenery will relinquish itself to Autumn’s colors, fiery reds and auburns streaking across the mountainside.Consider this. Our Source, our Creator, our God not only blessed us with an enormous display of beauty that is a mountain, but also has the power to change the color of its face each and every season.

I call that a miracle.